Meat Town USA was a show house in New Brunswick, NJ that lasted from June 2008 through May 2011. Three years is a long run for a show house and during that time Meat Town hosted literally hundreds of artists from around the world. Though Meat Town didn't have the ideal physical setup (low ceilings, no backyard), its method of running shows was about as good as it gets. Shows started early and ended at a reasonable hour. The residents had excellent working relationships with their non-college-kid neighbors and local, independent businesses. The neighbors were able to talk to the people at Meat Town if the shows ever got too numerous or too loud. Ta-Ta's (the pizza place across the street) loved show days and were always interested in the house's plans. The house was a haven for NJ residents, particularly disenfranchised Rutgers students, who were positive life had more important things to offer other than the neighborhood's most finely manicured lawn and the company's biggest paycheck. While not always being perfect, Meat Town was a pretty damn good model for inclusion and self-policing. The price was always cheap but no one was ever turned away for lack of funds. The stage (floor) was open to anyone, seemingly regardless of talent and genre. Those who abused this space were talked to and either changed or were removed. A number of people were taught the importance of having a good time while not getting so intoxicated that you are a liability to others or a danger to yourself. The actions of sexist/bigoted bands or attendees were pointed out and dealt with by the community. Meat Town was featured on National Public Radio and NBC television and hosted punk rock legends such as Blake Schwarzenback and Ted Leo. But most importantly it was a fun place to go.
I had the pleasure of living at Meat Town USA in its inaugural year. Regardless of how hard I think about it I cannot for the life of me remember the entire first show at the house. I do clearly remember the first band to ever play Meat Town. It was Sick Jump from Philadelphia, PA. The basement had yet to be decorated with banners, art, and beer bottles. In fact, its only source of light was a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. Despite these odds Sick Jump put on a hell of a set. Check them out.
cool little write-up. At some point in my life, I'd like to venture down there to check out places like this. To my knowledge, there's nothing like that around here (w. mass), although there was the record store for a bit (RSR, where I first saw you guys! :D)
What I like the most and what impresses me is the sense of community and respect.
meat clowns.
Wow that sounds like a really cool place I wish ther wer things like that here in New Zealand its hard enough finding official places to play or go to
u guys are awesome btw and
you have fans in tiny New Zealand congratulations :P
@ Hypermusic44 Meat Town was FAR from official. It was just a house in NJ. In fact, New Brunswick, NJ pretty much hates its basement scene. The thing that is amazing about a place like Meat Town is that ANYONE can do it. So if you want a place like that in New Zealand, do it! Rent a house with a place for bands to play. Get a PA. Get some lights. Invite some bands and friends over. Have a show! Do that a few times and bands will be beating down your door for a show. DIY!
Are you coming back to Cardiff when you go to the UK?
Sounds like the Mods at Evergreen back in the early 90's.
@ Anonymous 13:40 - I deduce that you are referring to Olympia, WA in the early 1990's, obviously a rad time, but I'd loved to hear exactly what you mean.
@ Screaming Females
Hey thanks a lot for your reply, you have inspired me haha since thers nothing like that here i should try and start something, iv gotta check with a few people first but i think we have the perfect place for it, definitely keen to give it a go i reckon I can do it. :) thanks
@Screaming Females - You are correct about Oly. Make sure you head out this way sometime soon. I'll brew up some Billy Ghol's Bitter.
what, meat town got shut down? what happened, why'd they get shut down.
Meat Town didn't get shut down, everyone just moved out. New spaces are popping up all over New Brunswick, NJ. New houses, new music, new life.
just as a fun fact, I live in meat town now. When the guys that ran the house moved out it was covered in filth, fleas, and bedbugs, it took three weeks of fully armed cleaning peoples work before the house was liveable....the basement where all the shows took place has had giant mold spores and free hanging asbestos in it for years...they partied hard down there, so it's a shame that anyone who went to these shows is probably going to be dead in a few years.
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