
Album Release

So the album release rocked. The Assistant Principals were awesome. Most def. the best I have ever heard them play. Big thanks to everyone who came out and an extra special thanks to everyone who bought the album. We sold like 60-70 of them!!! Got to rock for some friends of United Atomic Missiles of America fame for the first time. A few people really helped out last night. Ryan carried the heavy shit, as he so kindly always does. He then took on the entire crowd himself, preventing a mushed Marissa. I think he might be Hercules. Derek took on the cups and merch table while we played. Both of those guys are my heros.
",lknk" - Colin
Everyone watch for this week's inside beat!! Screaming Females feature.
Now everybody, there is something that needs some fixing here. When I used to rock at Plastic East and Atomic Missiles New Brunswick shows back in the day the crazy after party was a guarantee. Now with Screaming Females shows by the time I get my stuff broken down and packed away everyone is gone! I like to party. Someone needs to start organizing after parties, I mean, I can't do everything here! = )
The crush was at the party but I didn't get to talk to her much. =( oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would've partied, but I was unfortunately whisked away by the people who were giving me shelter for the night. It was a disappointment. But otherwise, that night was entirely too much fun, and I hope to play with you guys many times in the future. Hoping the next time comes soon.